Contact us

Send your comments, questions, events, photos, etc. to

or contact :  Ian Gardiner,

Chair: Ian Gardiner

Treasurer: Ruth Lomax

Secretary: Sandy Palmer

SMBC Greenspace team: 0161 217 6111 or


33 Responses to Contact us

  1. Kathleen Newman says:

    Hi, my name is Kathleen Newman. I am looking for an allotment space near Stockport Road East or Woodley. Is there anything available? I love gardening but I have a super small backyard and really not enough space to have a garden although I have tons of plants in my small garden currently.
    My number is 07955597160. Thank You.

  2. John fryer says:

    Hello I am looking for a alotment. Could you let me know when one is available please.

  3. Carlos says:

    Hi unfortunately again raised voices and shouting in the allotment and a parked car so obviously someone that has access. 8.38 and video evidence.

  4. Carl says:

    Hi just wanted to let you know that I am a resident of Orchard Vale that has a property on the boundary of the allotment and and once again its seems there is currently someone on the site lighting a fire and making noise. I have previously reported this to the Police as requested following the arson incident but they do not attend so just wanted to let you know as it is causing concern to local residents. Thank you

  5. Rosalyn Westerman says:

    Do you have an allotment shop please.
    Yours sincerely
    Rosalyn Westerman

    • Webmaster says:

      Hi Rosalyn, Several allotment sites have shops, which part of Stockport are you thinking of?

      • Jules says:

        Hi I’ve just seen your reply to Rosalyn about allotment shops, can you tell me if there’s one anywhere near Marple, Hazel Grove, or Offerton please?

        • Webmaster says:

          Hi Jules, I am compiling a list of allotment shops that are open to the public and will post it when finished. During Covid, most sites will not allow non members onto their sites

  6. David Hines says:

    Hi. Can you tell why there is never anyone to talk to over the telephone on Stockport Council re allotments. And why after having emailed yourself and the secretary of the Romiley allotments, why I respectfully dont even get a reply.

    • IAN GARDINER says:

      Hi David, I cannot answer for SMBC,but they have had to make cuts across all departments, including staff,but you should still get a reply from them. i am sorry you have not had any replies. If you email me direct, I will put you in touch with the right person.

    • david percy says:

      You certainly did get a full reply from me and you replied to that reply. So don’t come it that you did not get a reply. It may not have been the reply you expected, but it was comprehensive.
      David Percy

  7. Webmaster says:

    Nicola, I have just read your message so sorry for the delay.Horsetail is the bane of allotment sites as it is so difficult to kill. Pulling it out of the ground can cause it to become more widespread as every piece that breaks off the plant will grow into another plant, so do not strim or hoe it either. Contact the council, they may have powerful weedkillers that the public do not have access to.

  8. Nicola Hurst says:

    Hi I work at Westmorland primary in Brinnington and we have an area that is in desperate need of weeding of horsetail and covering ready for the spring. Any help will be gratefully received as the children and staff are tackling this issue but we need more pairs of expert hands I do hope you will be able to offer some support and a hot beverage and biscuits will be supplied as a Thankyou for your hard work
    Could you please announce this at the annual meeting on 25/9/18 and see if anyone would be interested in coming on down to our lovely school as the children love to plant and watch it grow and taste too 😀
    I will look forward to your response as to assisting in this local community project

  9. Webmaster says:

    You can also try here
    Nominate yourselves to get help

  10. Donna Allwood says:

    my name is Donna
    i work at Lisburn Court, residential home for the elderly with Dementia.
    do you have any volunteers that could help me tidy up the garden please?

  11. Hi I am trying to contact some one from the Priestnall Allotments regarding filming please could some one call or email me
    or 07800745383
    Thank you

  12. Stephen Evans says:

    Hello Alan
    I suggest you contact the three local allotment associations in Hazel Grove. They are Norbury Church, Hazel Grove [off School Street and Chester Road] and Torkington. Thier contact details are on Stockport Council’s website at the link below. I am sure someone from one of these sites will want to help you.
    Kind regards

  13. Hello,
    We are sheltered housing on Brook Street, Hazel Grove with 30 flats and have a greenhouse and an area of the garden for fruit and veg. with a raised bed. However, we have tried to grow stuff for the passed two years with little success and was wondering whether the society are able to offer any assistance.
    Kind regards,
    Alan Crawford

    • Richard King says:

      Hello Alan,
      I am Richard King of the Torkington Allotment Association (off Torkington Road) so I’m fairly close to you.
      I’m sure we can help you, so if you e-mail me some details of your availability (or ‘phone me on 0161 456 0823) I’ll arrange to meet with you to see the site and suggest what can be done.

      Best Regards,

  14. Ian Gardiner says:

    James can you e mail me,my address is at the top of the page,Ian Gardiner

  15. james bradford says:

    how old do you have to be to have a chicken/duck allotment

  16. Wes Hayden says:

    Not sure if its any use to anyone or where to put this comment but Homebase by Morrisons are having a closing down sale so there might be a bargain up for grabs….(site mods/admin feel free to remove if necessary)

  17. Richard, the site is looking great. Well done to all your team.
    May I add it to the NWCAA website . Good luck everyone

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